195 // How to Keep Your Cool When Sleep Deprived and Connecting With Kids During the School Year

Find The Magic  show

Summary: <p>It’s one thing to set aside time to sleep. That’s tricky enough. However, even when we allow ourselves the time to sleep, sometimes our kids simply don’t cooperate in allowing us to get several hours of consecutive sleep. What can we do then? In this episode, we address some coping strategies to help you when you are dealing with this special brand of sleep deprivation.</p> <p>We also talk about how it can be tricky to find connection time with our kids once school starts and give some tips that have helped us.</p> <p>RELATED EPISODES:</p> <p><a href="https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/find-the-magic/id1448424341?i=1000494472219"><u>How Light Affects Sleep, Fertility, Our Childre/s Behavior, and More With Andy Mant</u></a></p> <p>LINKS WE MENTIONED</p> <p>Janet Lansbury episode on sleep: <a href="https://www.janetlansbury.com/2021/12/a-holistic-approach-to-baby-and-toddler-sleep-with-grace-koinange/"><u>https://www.janetlansbury.com/2021/12/a-holistic-approach-to-baby-and-toddler-sleep-with-grace-koinange/</u></a></p> <p>BluBlox (Now called Bon Charge) Website: <a href="https://boncharge.com/"><u>https://boncharge.com</u></a></p> <p><strong>Sponsor:</strong></p> <p><strong>GABB WIRELESS</strong></p> <p>We LOVE devices that help our kids stay safe and be able to adventure while still being able to contact us safely and allow us to know where they are without being the kind of technology that steals their mental health and attention. Gabb wireless is an incredible company that we FULLY endorse for just that. Go to <a href="https://gabbwireless.com/"><u>https://gabbwireless.com</u></a> and use code FINDTHEMAGIC to get $50 off any device!</p> <p><strong>Thank you for the kind reviews! We appreciate them so much. Here is how to leave a review for us  on iTunes:</strong></p> <h3><a href="https://f69e.engage.squarespace-mail.com/r?m=5f7f2981e6b21226e93234a1&amp;u=https%3A%2F%2Fpodcasts.apple.com%2Fus%2Fpodcast%2Ffind-the-magic%2Fid1448424341%23episodeGuid%3D06f25e5e-323f-47a9-8d05-87f42e93ae17&amp;w=5cdb857de5f7d17140066f5d&amp;l=en-US&amp;s=Ov-CKbTBvHRjFgZSblOmrgKPUpg%3D"><u><strong>Open Find the Magic in the podcast app  </strong></u></a></h3> <h3><strong>Scroll to the bottom of the page</strong></h3> <h3><strong>Click on write a review</strong></h3> <h3><strong>Tap the stars to rate us and then write us some feedback:)</strong></h3> <p>Review of the week by MaryHag:</p> <p>So very helpful!</p> <p>I’ve been so thrilled with this podcast. It’s been a huge help and has made me feel like I’m not alone in my challenges. You both are inspiring to me and helped me decide to learn to play the piano in the next 5 years after listening to your episode on a grown mindset.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://anchor.fm/findthemagic/support" rel="payment">https://anchor.fm/findthemagic/support</a>