Episode 132: 4.5 Recruiting Sales Questions Answered

College Recruiting Weekly Podcast show

Summary: In this episode, Dan catches up with a previous guest, Jim Holvay, who uses his four decades of sales experience to answer four (and a half) common sales-related hurdles coaches tell us they regularly face. In this episode, Jim outlines why your personality doesn't have to dictate the sales and recruiting approach you take, why it's critical to be yourself in sales situations, how the Happy Birthday song saved his sales career, why he wants to be remembered as a professional who helped people. For those of you who have been listeners of the podcast, you'll remember the first time Jim was on the show sharing his wisdom. If you want to listen to that episode, here's the link (it's worth it!): https://dantudor.com/episode-23-rock-n-roll-star-jim-holvay-on-learning-how-to-sell/ To listen to Jim's music and read about his amazing career in the record industry (and what #1 billboard song he wrote) click here: https://www.google.com/search?q=james+holvay&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgVuLVT9c3NEwzSjI2qDQsecRowS3w8sc9YSn9SWtOXmPU5OIKzsgvd80rySypFJLmYoOyBKX4uVB18ixi5clKzE0tVsjIzylLrAQAo8CYiFsAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiUnNrQicX6AhXbkYkEHbjdBNwQ1i96BAgDEAM&biw=1527&bih=737&dpr=2.2 Thanks for listening! Email Dan at dan@dantudor.com.