Justice: A Shared Moral Vision

Church of the Resurrection Leawood Sermons show

Summary: What does God require of us? Justice. Justice that looks like fairness, consideration for the powerless, the suffering, those who have been mistreated. Justice that is making right judgments, doing the right thing even when it is hard. It is not prejudging or misjudging people. It is always seeking to do what is right. It is not simply something we believe in, but what each of us are called to be and to do. We are to be just. And this is something that every Republican, every Democrat, every liberal and every conservative, should agree upon, even if we disagree about what precisely it always looks like and how we get there. And as Christians, it is what the Lord requires of us. God expects us, requires of us, that we do justice – we judge with righteousness, we ensure fairness and equity on a large scale, and in our individual lives.