Fresh Tracks From the Auricle Collective!

New World Kirtan > Calming Chants for a Crazy World show

Summary: Hello dear friends,<br> I hope life is good for you as we head into midsummer.<br> If you recall, back in April, I told you about the Auricle Collective. This community of more than 100 musicians is rooted in singing, chanting &amp; music as art and spiritual practice. It includes the musicians that fuel our Bhakti Yoga practice.<br> Remember the olden days when we were all downloading our music? Then, a single song cost 99 cents. Now, in the streaming era, a song has to be downloaded 315 times for an artist to make the same amount of money. In other words, Spotify &amp; other streaming services are making it much more difficult for artists to earn a living from their music. How can we support the artists we love?<br> Well, we can’t change this system, but we can still work together to influence it. And the Auricle Collective is asking us to do just that, as it has designed an app and created an experiment to see if we can hijack the algorithms to feature &amp; recommend our kirtan artists more often. By joining our voices together, we’ll have the ability to amplify each other powerfully. Instead of working for the algorithm, we’ll be making it work for us. How to join in this experiment? It’s really simple: click on this <a href="">link</a> to open the app, log in to Spotify and follow all your favorite artists with a single click. If all of us do this it will send a massive pulse to amplify the algorithms that recommend &amp; feature music on Spotify. It will take you just 5 seconds to fire off a love explosion in service to spiritual music, and just think — by doing this you’ll not only help lift up your favorite artists, but you’ll also increase the visibility of many emerging artists in our community &amp; introduce yourself to some amazing music you haven’t heard yet. Isn’t that cool? So let’s give it a try and see what happens!<br> The music in this week’s set is all new music from Auricle Collective artists — some of it hasn’t even been released yet. The artists have sent me lots of their new music, so there will be several more of these Fresh Tracks sets coming your way. Please enjoy, and until next time, my friends — Namaste.<br> THE MUSIC:<br> <br> <a href="">Hudost</a>, Anthems of Home: Home Is Bigger Than Us<br> <a href="">Wah!</a>, High Energy: Gold<br> <a href="">Jai Uttal</a>, Let Me Burn: Ladder of Longing<br> <a href="">Dave Stringer &amp; Sheila Bringi,</a> Glider: Samba Sadashiva<br> <a href="">Dennis Hawk</a>: Om Namah Shivaya<br> <a href="">Sean Johnson &amp; the Wild Lotus Band</a> w/DJ Drez, Blue Easy Remixes (available in August): Calling the Spirits (Conjure Remix)<br> <a href="">Dave Stringer &amp; Madi Das</a>, Mantra Americana: Om Namo Bhagavate<br> <a href="">Hans Christian &amp; Jim Gelcer,</a> Mariupole ~ Single<br> <a href="">Johanna Beekman &amp; Benjy Wertheimer</a>, Om Shanti (Equanimous Remix) ~ Single<br> <a href="">Snatam Kaur: Ang Sang Waaheguru</a> ~ Single<br> <a href="">Luc Acke</a>: Lokah Samasta ~ Single<br> <br>