Episode 92: Tash Wong and Tom Harman

The Big Web Show show

Summary: <p>American designer <a href="http://http://folio.tashwong.com">Tash Wong</a> and British designer <a href="http://http://harmantom.com">Tom Harman</a> are the co-founders of <a href="http://http://coastermatic.com">Coastermatic</a> and Jeffrey Zeldman's guests in Episode No. 92 of The Big Web Show ("everything web that matters").</p> <p>Tash and Tom recently resided in Brooklyn, NY and completed their MFAs in Interaction Design at New York's School of Visual Arts; they are now bound for Hawaii, where they will expand their web-based product empire. Coastermatic, their first joint product, converts your Instagram photos into stone coasters, and was conceived during their time at SVA. (<a href="http://http://www.dwell.com/product-day/article/phone-stone-coastermatic">More</a> in the August 2, 2012 issue of <cite>Dwell</cite>.)</p> <p>The three designers discuss UX, product, and business strategy; finding the right manufacturing and fulfillment partners; the division of labor in a small startup; and other juicy design and entrepreneurial topics.</p>