Emotional Captivity - A Conversation with Suzanne Dudley Schon

Joyful Journey show

Summary: Today we meet Suzanne Dudley Schon (pen name Christina Dudley) who is the author of “Out of the Box: A Journey In and Out of Emotional Captivity.” Suzanne shares her very raw and real personal story about transitioning out of a destructive relationship and giving voice to domestic abuse. Her story is for anyone who grew up trying to be "good"-- high achieving and competent --and then who found themselves boxed in, slowly eroded, broken, and struggling. Her book provides readers with a living map of how one such woman made it out, re-writing her life from the inside out. In today’s episode, Suzanne shares some of her words of wisdom, as well as a bit of her poetry that served as an important tool for helping her get out of the box.