Episode 381: Meaningful Goal Setting with Whitney English

Extraordinary Moms Podcast show

Summary: <a href="https://extraordinarymomspodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/whit.jpg"></a><br> My guest today is Whitney English. Whitney English, author of <a href="https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.amazon.com/More-Beautiful-Life-Five-Step-Approach/dp/0785251928/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&amp;qid=&amp;sr=__;!!PH0vZokp8wwQNw!lZoW7mDDyFeidrBKBm4dCNYgBbglEqJs_YIHlnSro_6_lOsD1cbteCGPJYTODgtkqiZmIHSf6Q%24" data-saferedirecturl="https://www.google.com/url?q=https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.amazon.com/More-Beautiful-Life-Five-Step-Approach/dp/0785251928/ref%3Dtmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding%3DUTF8%26qid%3D%26sr%3D__;!!PH0vZokp8wwQNw!lZoW7mDDyFeidrBKBm4dCNYgBbglEqJs_YIHlnSro_6_lOsD1cbteCGPJYTODgtkqiZmIHSf6Q$&amp;source=gmail&amp;ust=1651340305544000&amp;usg=AOvVaw0BL2eZK7wlAjF3x8xtXC4r">A More Beautiful Life</a>, discusses how the HEART framework can help parents avoid burnout and make life a little more meaningful and manageable.  In the book, <a href="https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/whitneyenglish.com/__;!!PH0vZokp8wwQNw!lZoW7mDDyFeidrBKBm4dCNYgBbglEqJs_YIHlnSro_6_lOsD1cbteCGPJYTODgtkqiYXWNdQwA%24" data-saferedirecturl="https://www.google.com/url?q=https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/whitneyenglish.com/__;!!PH0vZokp8wwQNw!lZoW7mDDyFeidrBKBm4dCNYgBbglEqJs_YIHlnSro_6_lOsD1cbteCGPJYTODgtkqiYXWNdQwA$&amp;source=gmail&amp;ust=1651340305544000&amp;usg=AOvVaw0MMGgLZW6N-VJwcXa8haYI">Whitney English</a> shares personal stories and a proven system called the HEART method – which stands for Help Yourself, Empower Yourself, All Your People, Resources and Responsibilities, Trade and Talents - to encourage woman to discover and prioritize what matters most and dream better, not bigger! Whitney has boot-strapped two businesses to seven figures, has a degree in interior design, has studied management at Parsons in New York City, and has had her work featured in O magazine, The Wall Street Journal, the TODAY show.<br> This Show is Sponsored by...<br> Crispy Fruit snacks from Crispy Green are 100% pure freeze-dried fruit! No added sugar, additives or preservatives. Crispy Green uses food as a force for good by providing the highest quality natural food products, while inspiring others to live a healthy, adventurous and fulfilling life. Crispy Fruit snacks from Crispy Green are a great way to add fruit to your diet when fresh fruit may not be available or the most convenient option. Crispy Fruit snacks retain over 95% of all the nutrients of fresh fruit! Our snacks are 100% pure fruit that snacks like a chip! Crispy Green snacks are so popular because of these attributes:<br>  No Sugar Added*<br>  Non-GMO Project Verified<br>  No Additives or Preservatives<br>  Gluten Free<br>  Dairy Free<br>  Vegan<br>  Peanut and Tree Nut Free<br>  OU Kosher Certified<br>  Three Year (36 months) Shelf Life-dried fruit!<br> <br> Get 15% off your order with Code TNT15 when you go to <a href="https://shop.crispygreen.com/">https://shop.crispygreen.com/</a>.<br> And...<br> Skylight Frames! This amazing digital picture frame is a great way to feel close to those you love even when you’re far away. Anyone in the family can send photos to the frame using a given email address, so it’s a great way to keep family members in touch. It sets up effortlessly in under 60 seconds and even the least tech-savvy can use it! Skylight Frame has a gorgeous 10” touch screen. You can swipe through photos with your finger, and even tap to thank the person who sent a photo. Pre-load it with favorite photos for a special Mother’s Day gift. Now, as a special holiday offer, you can get $10 off your purchase of a Skylight Frame when you go <a href="http://www.Skylight%20Frame.com">Skylight Frame.com</a> and enter code MOMS .