Ann Hince: Changing the world, from the inside, out.

Seizure Salad (~Fustercluck Epilepticus~) show

Summary: Ann Hince is a professional speaker, spiritual teacher, & author of "A Pathway to Insight".  In this episode she shares her journey from inner turmoil to inner peace by learning & incorporating EFT; and how the emotional release can result in physical change. Preview and purchase Ann's book, "A Pathway to Insight", here:  View Ann's YouTube videos here:   “Seizure Salad, ~Fustercluck Epilepticus~”, is produced & hosted by Micah Ball Original Logo and Graphic Design by Alba "Lupi" Lopez The song “Seizure Boy” courtesy of Watsky, and used with permission. Find more great music & poetry on his website,   Thanks for listening! Mad Gratitude, ~Micah Unexpect the Expected