Cornellians in Podcasting: "I" Statements

Fresh from the Hill: Inside Stories of Noteworthy Cornellians show

Summary: <p>Cornell University’s Intergroup Dialogue Project (IDP) proudly presents “I” Statements, a podcast where complexity, vulnerability, and curiosity collide. Music written and performed by Evan Wilhelms. You can learn more about IDP <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>. </p> <p>This episode, "Authenticity," was first aired September 8, 2021. </p> <p>Three different people, three different perspectives on authenticity. We share stories about when our authenticity brought others closer to us or caused them to pull away, raise questions about the relationships between authenticity, conformity, and agency, and, at one point, don some rose-colored glasses to appreciate the vibrancy and humanity that can accompany authenticity.</p> <p>Hosted by Rachel Sumner PhD '15, featuring graduate students Janani Hariharan and Trevor Franklin.</p> <p>Read the <a href="" target="_blank">episode transcript.</a></p> <p>*The views expressed by Fresh from the Hill hosts and guests do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of Cornell University.</p> <p><br></p>