WordPress not sending emails? Set up SMTP with WordPress

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Summary: Sending emails from your WordPress website can sometimes be a very pesky issue as some hosting providers are blocking php mail. This results in problems with delivering messages from your contact forms, orders, and notifications. Luckily, there is a solution.Why WordPress doesn’t send email from the contact form?WordPress in its default setup comes with plain php_mail functionality, which means that your WordPress-powered website will send mail using PHP on the server and not a real email address. The name of the sender of this email will be generated by PHP (e.g. wordpress@yourwebsite.com) and will not use an actual email address. This often results in email messages sent in this way to be marked as spam.Also, almost all major hosting providers are not allowing PHP mail as it’s a common way to generate spam emails. This can present a real problem as your contact form messages, orders, customer & admin notifications will not be delivered.Use SMTP to send real emails in WordPressLuckily, there is a solution to this problem. In order to ensure that your WordPress website delivers all emails is to send all those messages using SMTP.What is SMTP?Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is a communication protocol for electronic mail transmission. It refers to the basic email functionality and it means that we will send emails using the real email address.So, we are going to use SMTP to send emails using the real and existing email address which will result in great deliverability.Create a new email addressMost of the hosting providers are offering cPanel or a similar control panel where you can create a new email address at your domain. For example, mailer@mywebsite.com or something like that. Now, access your cPanel and open up the Mail section.You will see the option to create a new email address.Then just enter the name for this email per your own discretion and set the password for it.Once you create a new email address for your website, note down the full email address and password and proceed to the next step.Setting up SMTP in WordPressNow it’s time to install the SMTP plugin for your WordPress website. The SMTP plugin will handle all emails generated by your WordPress website and deliver them using the SMTP protocol instead of the php mail function.There are a couple of SMTP plugins for WordPress, you can search the WordPress repository to find the one that fits your needs in the best way.We do recommend Easy SMTP for WordPress.Easy WP SMTPInstallation of SMTP plugin for WordPressThe easiest way to install the Easy SMTP is to access the WP admin -> Plugins -> Add new. Here just enter the words Easy SMTP inside the search f... You are listening to the topic about "WordPress not sending emails? Set up SMTP with WordPress", if you want to read the full article, please visit https://geniuswp.com or the link in the description.