How to set up WordPress AdSense Integration? 3 Easy Methods

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Summary: When launching a business online, it would be amazing if you can get a platform that provides easy-to-use tools that assist you in designing and building your website with secure hosting. WordPress is exactly such a one-stop solution that powers more than 42% of the web. With more than 20 billion views and 70 million posts each month, WordPress is an extremely popular Website Creation Platform that helps you build and manage business websites, blogs, eCommerce shops, portfolios, forums, etc.Once you have your Website going with a good amount of monthly online visitors, you can use WordPress AdSense Integration to monetize your website. Adsense is a Free tool offered by Google allowing you to sell your website’s Advt space to advertisers and get paid for every click that a site visitor makes on the Ad link. WordPress AdSense Integration lets you seamlessly connect your WordPress site to AdSense by placing the AdSense code on your webpages, thereby showing ads automatically on your website.In this article, you will learn how to add the WordPress AdSense Integration to monetize your website. You will learn both the Manual and Automated processes to set up your WordPress AdSense Integration.Table of ContentsWhat is WordPress?What is Google AdSense?Why do you need a WordPress AdSense Integration?How to set up WordPress AdSense Integration?WordPress AdSense Integration Method 1: Manually Adding AdSense Code in WordPressWordPress AdSense Integration Method 2: Using Auto-Ads AdSense Code via the Insert Headers and Footers Free PluginWordPress AdSense Integration Method 3: Using Site Kit for WordPress Free Plugin developed by GoogleConclusionWhat is WordPress?WordPress is a brilliant Web Publishing Software that allows you build and manage your website. Launched as a simple Blogging platform in 2003, WordPress has now evolved into a feature-rich Content Management System(CMS). Becoming a one-stop solution for everyone, WordPress allows you to design and manage business websites, blogs, forums, galleries, eCommerce Stores, etc.Released under the GNU Public license, this application is completely free to download and use. On the technical side, WordPress is written in PHP scripting language with all your website content typically stored in a MySQL Database. The intuitive WordPress Editor makes it super easy to build professional websites without the need for any programming knowledge. The in-built simple formatting toolbars and drag & drop functionality provide a user-friendly ecosystem to create and manage your websites. With just a few clicks you can change the layout of your website using the huge collection of WordPress Th... You are listening to the topic about "How to set up WordPress AdSense Integration? 3 Easy Methods", if you want to read the full article, please visit or the link in the description.