Teaching Our Kids To Have Self-Control with Devon Kuntzman

The Blissful Parenting Podcast show

Summary: It turns out that we often incorrectly estimate our children's abilities and what they are ready for. Devon Kuntzman has found that most parents underestimate what their child is capable of physically while overestimating what they are capable of emotionally. She has some great tips on how to tell what your child is ready to handle and how to guide them towards being able to regulate themselves and make good choices. Devon Kuntzman, PCC, is the original toddler parenting coach and the founder of Transforming Toddlerhood. As a toddler expert, she is on a mission to transform the myth that toddlerhood is terrible. Devon empowers toddler parents to overcome the challenges of toddlerhood, nurture development and create confidence in their skills by being the Loving Leader & Guide™ through using positive, respectful and developmentally appropriate parenting tools. As a result, parents are able to transform their parenting, their toddler’s behavior and their overall experience of toddlerhood creating a foundation for a relationship that lasts a lifetime with their child. Devon is also the host of the Raising Toddlers Conference and has supported thousands of parents and caregivers across the world to transform their parenting and their toddler’s behavior. She holds a degree in psychology and child development. When she isn’t working with parents and toddlers, Devon can be found on her yoga mat, riding her bicycle or drinking kombucha (not all at the same time!)