Letting the Wave of Spring Carry Us Into a Joyful New Season

Find The Magic  show

Summary: <p>For those of us who live in a climate with winters, we live in colder temperatures, less light, and lots of dormant energy for months and months. Then, there is this glorious shift as spring begins to stir, and it is an easy time to tap into the flow of changes around us and find hope and energy ourselves.</p> <p>In this episode, we discuss capitalizing on all of the benefits of spring with our practices and our mindset. We also give lots of easy tips to make the holidays that are scattered throughout this season really meaningful while still keeping things low key and low pressure.</p> <p>RELATED EPISODES</p> <p><a href="https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/find-the-magic/id1448424341?i=1000551868675"><u>Escaping the Trance of Unworthiness &amp; Finding Self Acceptance Within</u></a></p> <p><a href="https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/find-the-magic/id1448424341?i=1000536011996"><u>Going With the Flow: Allowing Ourselves Time to Rest, Work, and Play with Meridith Bienvenue</u></a></p> <p><a href="https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/find-the-magic/id1448424341?i=1000538208525"><u>Deepening Connection and Belonging During the Holidays</u></a></p> <p><a href="https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/find-the-magic/id1448424341?i=1000495310536"><u>Creating Roots Through Family Traditions</u></a></p> <p><a href="https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/find-the-magic/id1448424341?i=1000450854528"><u>Finding Joy and Enthusiasm in Every Day</u></a></p> <p><a href="https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/find-the-magic/id1448424341?i=1000437328463"><u>Staying Open to the Present </u></a></p> <p><a href="https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/find-the-magic/id1448424341?i=1000444509108"><u>Tapping Into the Abundance Inside Us</u></a></p> <p>BOOKS AND LINKS WE MENTIONED:</p> <p><a href="https://g.co/kgs/VSn9vk"><u>One Strange Rock</u></a>: Nature Show kids love</p> <p><a href="https://watch.angelstudios.com/thechosen?gclid=CjwKCAiAg6yRBhBNEiwAeVyL0BazyBv-f6avUcIqqaVXdRYoq45rqV1Z5lw9GkOvt9_uUqX8OVhCaRoCpxgQAvD_BwE"><u>The Chosen</u></a>: Fabulous Series About Christ Taralyn Mentioned</p> <p><a href="https://amzn.to/3KEAIlP"><u>Rainbow Window Clings</u></a> that make rainbows in your house</p> <p><a href="https://amzn.to/369Wgb0"><u>Book</u></a> about Holy Week that makes it fun for kids</p> <p><a href="https://amzn.to/3J8D0JD"><u>Herb garden</u></a> kit to grow inside your house</p> <p>The <a href="https://theatreofthemind.com/manifestation-and-the-spring-equinox/"><u>meditation</u></a> Taralyn mentioned during spring equinox:</p> <p>Thank you for the kind reviews! We appreciate them so much. Here is how to leave a review for us  on iTunes: Open Find the Magic in the podcast app   Scroll to the bottom of the page Click on write a review Tap the stars to rate us and then write us some feedback:) Hit SEND Review of the week from CarlyW5: Thank you so much for your wonderful podcast. There are many podcasts that come in and out of my library, but this one has stayed and will continue to stay! I LOVE the content.SO relevant. SO refreshing. Such wonderful, pressure-free takeaways. You know what else I LOVE?!! That you are constantly referencing books and professionals - it is so helpful and all the advice is legit. I love it. I can’t thank you enough. Much love!!! -fellow mom</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://anchor.fm/findthemagic/support" rel="payment">https://anchor.fm/findthemagic/support</a>