Raising Warriors (Podcast 281)

The Durenda Wilson Podcast show

Summary: Now more than ever parents are seeing the need to raise strong children.  As believers, we don’t just want our children to be strong in themselves, but strong in the Lord so that they can thrive in spite of what kind of pressure the culture might want to put on them to concede to secularism. In order for this to happen, it is imperative that we are intentional in our role as parents because, as we heard in last week’s episode, it's one of our primary mandates from God! Our obedience in this area has the potential to affect our culture in a big way! “The Lord your God will change your heart and the hearts of all your descendants so that you will love him with all your heart and soul and so you may live!" -Deut. 30:6  Listen in, be encouraged, and share with a friend! Homeschooling Today Magazine: https://homeschoolingtoday.com/ Related podcasts mentioned: https://www.durendawilson.com/podcast/episode/bbcf7598/guarding-against-deceptive-narratives-podcast-277 https://www.durendawilson.com/podcast/episode/c047db34/a-call-home-the-biblical-importance-of-family-podcast-279 https://www.durendawilson.com/podcast/episode/c1b2508b/homeschooling-be-the-parent-podcast-221 https://www.durendawilson.com/podcast/episode/3acc1f6e/why-discipline-podcast-65 (Please check out my latest book, The Four Hour School Day: How You and Your Kids Can Thrive in the Homeschool Life on Amazon, durendawilson.com, or your favorite bookseller!)