How Did They Get Their Names? | Quirky Company Names, and the History Behind Them | Episode 60


Summary: <p>On this episode of <a href=""><b>MICRO BREAK</b></a> (Episode 60), we explore the history of big companies we've all come to know and how they got their not-so-normal names. Yep, like Google! From the word googol. Yep, it's a math term. This is going to be a fun one!</p><p><b>Follow the Host<br></b><a href=""><b>Linktree</b></a><b> (</b><a href=""><b></b></a><b>)<br></b><a href=""><b>Website</b></a><b> (</b><a href=""><b></b></a><b>)<br><br>Resources<br></b><a href=""><b>Business Insider</b></a><b><br>(</b><a href=""><b></b></a><b>)<br></b><br></p>