#1 Boring Objects “RAIN” - Jason Newland (9th August 2021) 5 HOURS TALKING WITH MUSIC

Let me bore you to sleep - Jason Newland show

Summary: Hello and welcome to jasonnewland.com. My name is Jason newland and this is boring objects. Please only listen when you can safely close your eyes. Really, this podcast is just me focusing on a particular object in each recording.<br><br>I will focus my attention on a different objects. The reason for me making these recordings is so that you can listen and in your mind you can slow down and your body can relax. You can just drift off into a natural sleep which maybe partly to do with you feeling slightly bored with what I'm saying, even though personally I think that I have a very interesting and energetic voice.<br><br>I don't know if you can hear the rain in the background because it's raining and therefore producing a rainy sound as most rain tends tends to do. To be honest I wasn't sure whether to wait until the rain stops raining outside, in the garden and probably other places. (those that are not protected from the rain places such as roundabouts).<br><br>I remember using a shelter in a park because it was raining and the shelter prevented me from getting what I wanted. I remember thinking at the time that If that shelter not been there I would have gotten wet, unless of course I head down somewhere else to another shelter which kept me dry............