World-Renowned - Colin Hancock '19

Fresh from the Hill: Inside Stories of Noteworthy Cornellians show

Summary: <p>Jazz musician and historian Colin Hancock ’19 is an old soul. As a young kid, he was drawn to the sound of early jazz, gravitating towards the likes of Bix Beiderbecke, Louis Armstrong, Sidney Bechet and other others of the pre-bop era. Since then, he’s built his musical career around playing and recording in that style of music. In fact, he owns and operates the only acoustic studio that cuts 78 rpm flat records in THE WORLD. Yes, you read that right.</p> <p>Hear about how Colin has carved out his own niche in the music world and how his research and work ultimately led to his album notes Grammy nomination.</p> <p>Read the <a href="" target="_blank">episode transcript.</a></p> <p>Hosted by Armon Sadler '17 &amp; Nic Earley '17.<br> Created and produced by Amanda Massa.<br> Music by Kia Albertson-Rogers '13,<br> Artwork by Chris Kelly.</p> <p>*The views expressed by Fresh from the Hill hosts and guests do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of Cornell University.</p>