147 TLTT GAME ON! DOCTOR, WHO Gives a FLUXX! (The Game)

The Legend of the Traveling Tardis with Christian Basel show

Summary: The Legend of the Traveling TARDIS: GAME ON! Co-host Dave from TheRatHole.ca takes over the Traveling Tardis to talk board games with TeamTardis.<br>You’ve seen them in Dave's background, but now you have the chance to learn more. WHO really has the Keys to the TARDIS? What happens when the entire WHOniverse is in Fluxx? Join in, become part of the Legend, and find out! As part of the Legend of the Traveling TARDIS 25 Days Of WHOMas (Christmas).<br>And for more info on board games check out Dave's site: TheRatHole.ca<br>*Time permitting, we'll do our final Doctor WHO Worlds Apart Pack Unpacking.<br>Follow The Legend of the Traveling TARDIS on Social Media:<br>► FACEBOOK - Facebook.com/TheTravelingTARDIS<br>► YOUTUBE - YouTube.com/TheLegendOfTheTravelingTARDIS<br>► WEBSITE - TheLegendOfTheTravelingTARDIS.com<br>► INSTAGRAM - Instagram.com/legendtravelingtardis<br>► IHEARTRADIO - <a href="http://iheart.com/.../966-the-legend-of-the-travelin.." rel="noopener">http://iheart.com/.../966-the-legend-of-the-travelin..</a>.<br>The Legend of the Traveling TARDIS covers the latest news, gives the most diverse reviews and fun interviews about the Doctor WHO WHOniverse.<br>► THE LEGEND OF THE TRAVELING TARDIS FAMILY OF SPONSORS:<br>► Doctor WHO: Worlds Apart Virtual Card Game: doctorwho-worldsapart.com<br>► FameTek / Speakers and Chargers: fametek.com<br>► Author Cindy Koepp: ckoepp.com<br>And many more