Episode 32: Episode 32: Building a Strategic Power Network

Mogul Chix® Chat Podcast show

Summary: I love networking. But I’m an old fashioned networker. It’s all about relationships and connection. I don’t do this new school social media connecting thing. You know where people follow and add thousands of people claiming it’s their network. Where they know maybe 1% of the people they connect with. Then there is the old supposed form of networking many of you try. You know, sign up to go to an event, meet a bunch of people who may or may not be aligned with you or your objectives. Exchanging cards. Sending the obligatory follow up email. And hoping that the relationship develops. Yeah, OK. Fast forward to today and I network totally different than a lot of people. I’m more focused and selfish about my time. See back in the day, I had no plan, no real agenda, no direction. Back then they said “meet as many people as you can and get to know everyone. Eventually you’ll run into the right people. It’s a numbers game”. What they didn’t tell me was that all of that was a waste of time if you don’t know who and what you’re looking for. What they didn’t tell me is that without a networking plan, I was just meeting people for the sake of meeting them. What they didn’t tell me was that I needed a STRATEGY to identify who it made sense to connect with and focus on building THOSE relationships.  Ask 100 people what’s the best way to network and you’ll get 100 different answers. But I’m here to tell you if you’re strategic andz intentional about your networking and you develop a focused plan, you’ll be able to get what you want while helping other people get what they want. And I still say the best networking comes out of building relationships. You just have to build the RIGHT relationships. Today I want to focus on real networking strategies that may seem a bit transactional, but when done right, can be lucrative, long lasting and mutually beneficial. Is there any other kind of networking? I’ll share my own tips and how I became a master networker mostly by accident. But first, ask yourself 2 questions:-       Who are the people that I need to connect with to achieve my networking and business objectives?-       And, how can I maximize my relationships while helping others and getting the help I need to reach my business goals?