Bodhisattva's Way of Life: 25-June-2006 (Day 2 of 7; Afternoon) - Dalai Lama Audio Teachings on Tibetan Buddhism Podcast

Dalai Lama Audio Teachings on Tibetan Buddhism Podcast show

Summary: In the morning’s introductory remarks His Holiness touches on the themes of impermanence and the non-material nature of the mind. How is it that all things are continually passing away in a ceaseless flux? From where does the ever-transforming stream of mind emerge? He reminds us that all suffering arises from self-grasping ignorance. We oppose that ignorance with the twin essentials of the path, the wisdom of dependent arising and compassion. Since the full practice of one needs an understanding of the other which should be taught first? Returning to Shantideva’s opening chapter extolling the all-encompassing meritorious power of Bodhichitta, with heartfelt emotion His Holiness contrasts the destructive effects of self-obsession with the unlimited benefits of the Bodhisattva’s main practice of cherishing others. He then illuminates Shantideva’s extended version of the seven-limb prayer with its stark description in the confession section of the predicament of one who remains stuck in the pain and stupidity of self-grasping.