Shantideva's Compendium of Precepts (Laptu) and A Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life (Chod-jug); 22-Mar-2006 (Day 7 of 9; Morning) - Dalai Lama Audio Teachings on Tibetan Buddhism Podcast

Dalai Lama Audio Teachings on Tibetan Buddhism Podcast show

Summary: Commenting on Shantideva’s exhaustive exposition of the Bodhisattva’s way of life in the Guide and the Compendium, His Holiness observed that a Bodhisattva responds even to an enemy with nothing but compassion. The awakening mind of bodhichitta arouses delight in whoever comes across someone who has cultivated it. What’s more His Holiness explains, compassion and love are necessary for our very survival. He offered the example of children. Those who meet with compassionate teachers tend to succeed in their studies. Those who grow up in compassionate families become mature and balanced adults. Coming from a loving environment children can meet any challenge. On the other hand those who grow up without love and compassion in their environment are unable to relate intimately and affectionately with others, which predisposes them to later bouts of loneliness. This is why living beings need love and compassion. His Holiness extolled the awakening mind as the most perfect mental faculty, perfect for helping other beings. He repeated that everyone pays respect to those in whom the awakening mind is present and that the Buddhas are pleased. Shantideva’s advice for developing it also explains how to cultivate single-pointed meditation with clarity and alertness, free from distractions and thoughts of desire. As Milarepa’s biography shows, to achieve this it is an advantage to remain in solitude.