GRRL013: Musical collectives and learning from side projects, featuring Ali Coyle of Strangers Inc

Grrl on Grrl: intersectional and trans-inclusive music & interview show show

Summary: Ali Coyle is a Los Angeles and Orange County based musician who has played in countless bands including Sullen Ray--who you'll recognize as our intro song, and her old main project This Time With Feeling. Currently, she plays in NOBLES and Glasz, but her main project is Strangers Inc, which she does with her writing and production partner Javan Slagle. Ali joined me on Skype from Los Angeles, while we weathered the crazy storm that overtook southern California this past winter. We talk a lot about her current project Strangers Inc and why she's excited about going in a new direction musically, the music scene in Orange County compared to Los Angeles and San Diego--and sorry, I can't help shit talking LA some more, but I like being proven wrong as well-- and music collectives and collaborations.