Going With the Flow: Allowing Ourselves Time to Rest, Work, and Play with Meridith Bienvenue

Find The Magic  show

Summary: <p>The earth has seasons, the moon has cycles, the day has rhythms of light and dark, warmth, and cold. As humans, we also live with cycles. Women have monthly cycles, we all live in seasonal cycles, and we have daily cycles as well. Each season of part of these cycles comes with natural places for rest, motivated work, and play. However, we often internalize the message that we constantly need to push through our need for rest or stillness and constantly achieve. This pushing can lead to burnout and frustration.</p> <p>In this episode, we discuss the idea of leaning into cyclical living instead of fighting against it with Meridith Bienvenue. She explains how we can actually harness the power of the different cycles that we live with and learn to honor our need for both healing calm and empowering movement. It requires trusting ourselves, honoring our bodies and our minds, and flowing with life.</p> <p><strong>BOOKS AND LINKS:</strong></p> <p>You can connect with Meridith on her website, <a href="https://www.shewhocan.com/"><u>https://www.shewhocan.com</u></a> and on instagram <a href="https://instagram.com/shewhocan?utm_medium=copy_link"><u>@shewhocan</u></a></p> <p><a href="https://amzn.to/3lGIMrl"><u>The Universe Has Your Back</u></a> // Gabrielle Bernstein</p> <p><strong>RELATED EPISODES</strong></p> <p><a href="https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/find-the-magic/id1448424341?i=1000427659925"><u>Discovering YOUR Life Essentials</u></a></p> <p><a href="https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/find-the-magic/id1448424341?i=1000450854528"><u>Finding Joy and Enthusiasm in Every Day</u></a></p> <p><strong>EPISODE SPONSORS</strong></p> <p><a href="https://apps.apple.com/us/app/mamazen-mindful-parenting-app/id1523198397"><u><strong>U</strong></u></a><u><strong>s! </strong></u></p> <p><strong>Our journal is fantastic:) </strong>Are you feeling lost, unanchored or listless in your days? We use our daily planner and journal to align our core values with the tasks we do each day! You can learn more about it<a href="https://f69e.engage.squarespace-mail.com/r?m=61437dce1de5755cdf30ce1a&amp;u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.findthemagic.co%2Ffindthemagicjournal%3Fss_source%3Dsscampaigns%26ss_campaign_id%3D614376b5ec9cae6d9fd84e93%26ss_email_id%3D61437dce1de5755cdf30ce1a%26ss_campaign_name%3D%255BTest%2BEmail%255D%2BDO%2BYOU%2BEVER%2BFEEL%2BJEALOUS%2BOF%2BOTHERS%25E2%2580%2599%2BSUCCESS%253F%26ss_campaign_sent_date%3D2021-09-16T17%253A24%253A30Z&amp;w=5cdb857de5f7d17140066f5d&amp;e=2021-09-17T17%3A24%3A51.113760Z&amp;l=en-US&amp;s=9PGmrjY7hYgzoUDPuFqKBe7wvik%3D" rel="nofollow"><strong> </strong></a><a href="https://www.findthemagic.co/findthemagicjournal" rel="nofollow"><strong>HERE</strong></a></p> <p><strong>Thank you for the kind reviews! We appreciate them so much. Here is how to leave a review for us  on iTunes:</strong></p> <p><a href="https://f69e.engage.squarespace-mail.com/r?m=5f7f2981e6b21226e93234a1&amp;u=https%3A%2F%2Fpodcasts.apple.com%2Fus%2Fpodcast%2Ffind-the-magic%2Fid1448424341%23episodeGuid%3D06f25e5e-323f-47a9-8d05-87f42e93ae17&amp;w=5cdb857de5f7d17140066f5d&amp;l=en-US&amp;s=Ov-CKbTBvHRjFgZSblOmrgKPUpg%3D"><u><strong>Open Find the Magic in the podcast app  </strong></u></a></p> <p>Scroll to the bottom of the page</p> <p>Click on write a review</p> <p>Tap the stars to rate us and then write us some feedback:)</p> <p>Hit SEND</p> <p>Review of the week:</p> <p><strong>Kimberly</strong></p> <p><em><strong>Mind Readers</strong></em></p> <p><strong>These ladies continue to read the minds of their listeners and bring meaningful, inspiring, healthy content each week. They’re so in tune with the ebb and flow of life and help all of us listening find pockets of calm in the chaotic storms of daily life.</strong></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://anchor.fm/findthemagic/support" rel="payment">https://anchor.fm/findthemagic/support</a>