HPR3431: Living in the Terminal

Hacker Public Radio show

Summary: Talking Points Rational Sometimes, X.org just doesn't want to work Esspecially if you are a dumb n00b running Arch The terminal will always be there for you. Applications: My .bashrc: Environment Variables: export EDITOR=nvim export PAGER=most export BROWSER=lynx export XDG_DATA_HOME="$HOME/.local/share" export XDG_CONFIG_HOME="$HOME/.config" PS1: user@hostname:~ (git_branch) $ if [[ $EUID == 0 ]]; then export PS1="[e[1;31m]u[e[m]@[e[0;32m]h[e[m]:w$(__git_ps1) # " else export PS1="[e[1;34m]u[e[m]@[e[0;32m]h[e[m]:w$(__git_ps1) $ " fi Aliases: alias vim=nvim alias play=mpv Productivity ("Window Manager"): tmux Provides an easy way of splitting a tty into various panes Get multiple workspaces for free with CTL+ALT+F{1,2,3,4,5,6,7} All of the tiling window manager, none of the X-it Can set up if [ -t 0 ] && [[ -z $TMUX ]] && [[ $- = *i* ]]; then exec tmux; fi in .bashrc in order to have tmux start/stop with your terminal sessiion. Music: cmus Easy library and playlist management Dead simple to use (with cmus-tutorial) y to yank songs onto a playlist SPA to select a playlist RET to play a song/playlist TAB to switch between panes Pictures: fim Requires user be in the video group for permission to use the Linux framebuffer Radio/Video/single audio files: mpv Can display video in terminal (badly with libcaca) Can actually display video in linux framebuffer (with drm) Can handle all of your somafm files/web-video links Requires youtube-dl for video Podcasts/RSS: newsboat/podboat Orginizes all of your podcasts and RSS feeds into an easy-to-use ncurses interface Can be set up with player "mpv --save-position-on-quit" to save positions on podcasts Very convinent for articles, less so for podcasts Really needs better integration with something like cmus Runner Up: podfox Can be configured with JSON Has better directory structure than podboat, imo Tree based structure vs shove everything in ~ by default Text Editing/Word Processing: neovim/GitX Flavored Markdown/pandoc Clean modal editing Can export to whatever with pandoc Probably not as good as OrgMode if emacs wasn't the HFS+ of text editors Audio Recording/Post-Processing: ffmpeg One alias and three scripts in my .bashrc record: alias record="ffmpeg -f alsa -channels 1 -i hw:1" atrim, top-tail, and anorm: Allows me to quickly spin up a recording and run post processing functi