(25) How Your Immediate Space Can RAISE YOUR VIBRATION

Our Manifestation Journey show

Summary: <p>What can you do right now, in this moment, to raise your vibration?  Well, look around you.  What does your space look like? How can you improve it?  In this episode, we dive deep into Sam's view of the world and how to make it better, through the perspective of interior design.  Why does a thoughtful space matter? How can it help you manifest more into your life? Press play to hear why your environment is SUPER important to your vibration and learn what you can do to lift the energy of your space.  </p> <p> </p> <p>Wishing you a life of joy and abundance, </p> <p>Samantha Pike and Mickayla Pyke</p> <p> </p> <p>** Would you like to have a virtual coffee date with us? Leave us a review on Apple podcasts, take a screen shot of your review BEFORE you submit it and send it to <a href="mailto:hello@ourmanifestationjourney.com">hello@ourmanifestationjourney.com</a> for a chance to win! We will draw the name of a lucky (aligned) listener once a month, so make sure you tune in to listen for your name! We can't wait to meet you and have you join us on Our Manifestation Journey. ** </p>