(26) It's OK to FEEL

Our Manifestation Journey show

Summary: <p>If you're looking for the regular scheduled programming of "high vibe" ladies talking about manifestation, maybe skip this episode.  Today we go deep into exploring our tendency to suppress how we are feeling because we deem some emotions to be "good" or "bad" over others.  </p> <p>Micki was having some trouble understanding her own emotions so Sam put on her behaviour psychology hat to help.  As we promise to be as real and authentic as possible, we decided to put on our mics and share this conversation with you.  </p> <p>Make a cup of tea, get cozy and press play.</p> <p> </p> <p>Wishing you a life of joy and abundance, </p> <p>Samantha Pike and Mickayla Pyke</p>