(33) Could RADICAL Self Care Be a KEY to Upleveling?

Our Manifestation Journey show

Summary: <p>Crazy synchronicities, a witch village and Oh...SAM IS SWAYING TOO!!!</p> <p>This episode is a bit all over the map and is filled with some super delicious conversation.  After filling you in on all the interesting "coincidences" in our lives, we get to the "indulgence" of radical self care.  Not your typical self-care of a shower or meditation, but commuting to the next level of self care - like doing yoga surrounded by money or booking an ENTIRE spa day.  Yes, these are real examples that we are trying in our own lives and bringing you in on.  </p> <p>What if you did this? What if you did something totally "indulgent"? What if you booked that massage or curated a really intentional bath with a sensual playlist, local bath salts, your favourite bottle of wine and then smothered yourself with luxurious lotion afterwards?</p> <p>What does this thought spark for you? Do you not "have time" for it?  Do you feel deserving of it?  Or do you think, "Oh yeah, I did that last night"?</p> <p>Let's step out of our "comfort zones" (lol) and indulge in what we truly desire.  Otherwise, what is all of this for?</p> <p> </p> <p>Wishing you a life of joy and abundance, </p> <p>Samantha Pike and Mickayla Pyke</p> <p> </p> <p>Instagram: @ourmanifestationjourney</p> <p>www.ourmanifestationjourney.com</p>