Why Boundaries Are Key to Wholehearted Living

Find The Magic  show

Summary: <p><strong>Our four pillars to wholehearted living are connection, unconditional love, staying present, and healthy boundaries. Without boundaries, the first three are unattainable. Boundaries allow us to create limits for ourselves and others, and give us freedom to experience the first three pillars within the framework of those limits. In this episode, we explore ideas about how to set and hold boundaries with young kids, teens, and adults.</strong></p> <p><u><strong>Related Books</strong></u></p> <p><a href="https://amzn.to/2Vdysh3"><u><strong>Gifts of Imperfect Parenting</strong></u></a><strong> // Brene Brown</strong></p> <p><a href="https://amzn.to/3iFkE6Y"><u><strong>Raising Lions</strong></u></a><strong> // Joe Newman</strong></p> <p><u><strong>Related Episodes</strong></u></p> <p><a href="https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/find-the-magic/id1448424341?i=1000447251910"><u><strong>Putting Connection First </strong></u></a></p> <p><a href="https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/find-the-magic/id1448424341?i=1000433318332"><u><strong>Holding Boundaries / Discipline Pt. 1</strong></u></a></p> <p><a href="https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/find-the-magic/id1448424341?i=1000473539623"><u><strong>To Raise Strong Children, We Need to Be Strong Parents</strong></u></a></p> <p><strong>EPISODE SPONSORS</strong></p> <p><u>Utah House Doctors:</u> Everyone knows that the market is hot right now and it is the perfect time to sell your home, but what you may not know is using a professional in this type of market will actually make you more money then if you try and sell your home yourself, or sell with a discount brokerage. We have experienced the service of Utah House Doctors, and they make buying and selling homes so easy and painless. You can find them at Instagram at<a href="https://instagram.com/utahhousedoctors?igshid=8ffsa9hz8c9a"><strong> </strong><u><strong>@utahhousedoctors</strong></u></a><u> </u>or on their website,<a href="http://www.utahhousedoctors.com/"><strong> </strong></a><a href="http://www.utahhousedoctors.com/"><u><strong>http://www.utahhousedoctors.com</strong></u></a>.</p> <p><strong>Thank you for the kind reviews! We appreciate them so much. Here is how to leave a review for us  on iTunes:</strong></p> <p><a href="https://f69e.engage.squarespace-mail.com/r?m=5f7f2981e6b21226e93234a1&amp;u=https%3A%2F%2Fpodcasts.apple.com%2Fus%2Fpodcast%2Ffind-the-magic%2Fid1448424341%23episodeGuid%3D06f25e5e-323f-47a9-8d05-87f42e93ae17&amp;w=5cdb857de5f7d17140066f5d&amp;l=en-US&amp;s=Ov-CKbTBvHRjFgZSblOmrgKPUpg%3D"><u><strong>Open Find the Magic in the podcast app  </strong></u></a></p> <p>Scroll to the bottom of the page</p> <p>Click on write a review</p> <p>Tap the stars to rate us and then write us some feedback:)</p> <p>Hit SEND</p> <p>Review of the week!</p> <p><strong>Tay L A</strong></p> <p><strong>Love!</strong></p> <p><em>I love listening to your podcast as I’m going about my day. I relate a lot to you guys and it’s so nice to 1. Know i’m not the only person going through something and 2. Getting advice on how to do it. Love you guys! Keep it up:)</em></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://anchor.fm/findthemagic/support" rel="payment">https://anchor.fm/findthemagic/support</a>