132. Teaching our kids a healthy relationship with food (+ our own food guilt and body shame) with Andrea Heyman

Simple on Purpose | Intentional Living and Parenting   show

Summary: Andrea is a Registered Dietician who is here to talk with me about our relationship to food and teaching our kids a healthy relationship with food<br> <br> I also had a secret motive in asking her on because I had questions about how to handle food with my kids. I know I’m undoing a lot of cultured rules, how I was raised, my own biases, and I want to be mindful about how I teach my kids, especially my daughter, about the health of food without the food guilt or body shame.  <br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br> <br> In this conversation we will cover:<br> Common struggles that women have when it comes to their relationship with food<br> <br> Emotional eating can be a common situation that happens in motherhood<br> The ‘diet culture’ pressure that moms have to ‘drop the weight’ can lead to restrictive and unsustainable approaches to food<br> Using food to manage our emotions (my own experience with emotional eating in motherhood)<br> Using food as a way to control our bodies<br> <br>  <br> Healing a heritage of food guilt and body shame<br> <br> We know enough about attachment to know that our sense of worth and self is shaped by our caregivers<br> Unpacking the decades of guilt and shame we have adopted<br> Starting with some basic food plans and dropping all the food rules and restrictions<br> Seeing the cycle where the more restrictions we give ourselves, the bigger the struggle of cravings and willpower, the stronger the guilt we feel when we eat what we ‘shouldn’t’<br> Building up trust in your body again<br> <br>  <br> The role of being a mom who is managing food for herself and for everyone else<br> <br> The positive side of emotional eating vs the coping side of emotional eating<br> Being a role model for our kids when it comes to a healthy relationship with food<br> Feeding your family a variety of foods and letting go of all or nothing thinking<br> <br>  <br> Taking the drama out of feeding our kids<br> <br> Consider the role you want to have in feeding your kids and the role you want them to learn and become confident in<br> Anxiety and stress at the dinner table can become counterproductive to the whole dinner experience for the whole family<br> How we can let our kids branch out on their own when it comes to food preferences<br> The pitfalls of cooking different people different food items each dinner, becoming a short order cook <br> <br> Going through the discomfort of changing the culture of cooking each kid their own foods for each meal <br> <br> <br> Using dessert as bribery (food as a reward) and what we might be teaching our kids about the ‘preferred’ foods<br> <br>  <br> Getting kids involved in the food preparation and planning<br> <br> Conversations around balancing meals<br> Letting each kid design a balanced meal <br> <br>  <br> Parents using food as a reward<br> <br> Using food as a treat, reward, bond, make the day more ‘fun’<br> Phasing out the treats and bringing in alternate rewards and treats<br> Planning out the other things you can turn to that are fun for your family<br> <br>  <br> Teaching our kids about a healthy relationship with food<br> <br> How to have conversations with our kids about food without inducing food shame<br> Shifting the focus on the functionality of health and food<br> Using treat restrictions vs no restrictions <br> Owning our own relationship with food to create a positive food culture in our family<br> <br>  <br> Getting started with shifting your family’s food culture<br> <br> Start small<br> Make a plan<br> Don’t overcomplicate meal prep (use the shortcuts!)<br> Offer healthy options and let your kids decide how much they eat<br>