130 TLTT The Cushing Conundrum Continues

The Legend of the Traveling Tardis with Christian Basel show

Summary: Again, Team TARDIS set the coordinates of the Traveling TARDIS back to 1965 and asked the question, what if Peter Cushing's Dr. WHO could regenerate? They discuss the next line of actors WHO would be the next Doctors?<br>"Regeneration... but probably not the one you were expecting."<br>Team TARDIS takes a look at how things may have happened and you get a chance to be part of this LIVE DISCUSSION. Join us in the chat and 'Become Part of the Legend.'<br>Follow The Legend of the Traveling TARDIS on Social Media:<br>► FACEBOOK - Facebook.com/TheTravelingTARDIS<br>► YOUTUBE - YouTube.com/TheLegendOfTheTravelingTARDIS<br>► WEBSITE - TheLegendOfTheTravelingTARDIS.com<br>► INSTAGRAM - Instagram.com/legendtravelingtardis