The Development of the Will and Perfection of Energy

Pariyatti show

Summary: The Development of the Will and Perfection of Energy by Wladyslaw Misiewicz and Shantideva . Excerpt from The Development of Will by Wladyslaw Misiewicz “No force in the human system can be properly used unless it is rightly directed. As the will is the only factor in man that has the power to direct or control, a thorough development of the will becomes absolutely necessary in order to have a clear understanding of its application under every circumstance.” From Perfection of Energy by Shantideva “Having become patient [through practising the Perfection of Forbearance], one should cultivate energetic effort; for it is by effort that Enlightenment is gained. Just as there is no movement without wind, there is no performance of merit without energy.” Narrated by Judy Swift 2020 27 minutes Listen to Streaming Audio Download Audio (20 MB) Audiobook copyright, 2020 Pariyatti 'Buddhist Therapy' can also be found in the Pariyatti Edition of Collected Bodhi Leaves Vol. 3 as well as at BPS as a free eBook download. View more books and audio resources available in the Pariyatti bookstore.