Episode 001: The 'Verse! Squad Assemble: 'The Falcon and the Winter Soldier' Episode 1

The 'Verse! show

Summary: <p><strong>The 'Verse! is your go-to place for insights, reviews, theories, and recaps for all your favorite cinematic universe shows and films. We will be covering the MCU, Star Wars, and more.  Follow us on Twitter @TheVerseCast)<br> <br> We start with our weekly breakdown of the new Disney+ series, 'The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.' Our hosts Bridget, Lucas, Emilia, and Norm recap episode one and give some character backstory, then dive in deep with their hot takes, Easter eggs, and comic book/cinematic universe connections.   <br> <br> We wrap with some industry news, covering everything from the Snyder Cut of ‘Justice League’ and how Superman almost had a mullet, to a new Xbox commercial with some familiar MCU faces (and gamer tags) you might recognize.</strong><br> <br> SHOW BREAKDOWN:<br> 0:00 - <strong>Intro</strong> // 1:00 - <strong>F&amp;WS ep 1 Recap</strong> // 3:00 - <strong>Spoiler-Free Episode Analysis</strong> // 7:00 - <strong>Character Backstory </strong>// 10:30 - <strong>Deeper Episode Breakdown </strong>// 29:30 - <strong>Easter Eggs, Theories (SPOILER TERRITORY)</strong> // 44:00 - <strong>News Around The 'Verse (news about all your fave cinematic universes) </strong>// 50:00 - <strong>Until Next Time</strong> // 51:50 - <strong>Post Credit Scene (maybe?)</strong><br> <br> Be sure to also follow @Screenradar on Twitter, Facebook, &amp; Instagram<br> </p>