Al Mega SQUASHES Starship Troopers Episode 53

Gutting the Sacred Cow show

Summary: For anyone who grew up or who was in their 20's in the late 90's, you undoubtedly saw Starship Troopers. It's a cult classic but a classic turd in the punchbowl for Al Mega (@comicrusaders). He doesn't like the bugs, Casper Van Dien, and feels the book was done a major disservice. But can this argument make late 1990's Denise Richards's #1 fan, @KevinGootee, join the Mobile Infantry? And does @KevinIsrael_NJ think that bugs that shoot fire and plasma from the butts are pretty cool? We'd LOVE to help your brand awareness or boost your product sales. Email us at and we'll help make you product/service getting the attention it deserves. We sound like a broken record but hot damn, do we love when we hear from you. Thanks for your support on social media. Thanks for your reviews on your podcast platforms. Make sure you're head over to EVERY day to see new blog posts like our favorite movie quotes and sequels we want to see/didn't ask for. Also, check out our merch shop to grab a shirt, hat, mug, bag, fire extinguisher. You can follow everyone at @KevinGootee and, @KevinIsrael_NJ and, and Al Mega @Comiccrusaders THANK YOU again for your ongoing support. New contest: First person to get 5 friends to subscribe to our podcast gets a free shirt. Tag them on twitter/fb/ig and have them post them subscribing and the shirt is yours. It's NEVER too late to write us a 2 sentence review while giving us a 5 star rating on your favorite podcast platform! If you would be so kind and click subscribe on youtube or on your preferred podcast platform, that ensures you don't miss any episodes nor bonus content. Take a pic with our merch and we'll GLADLY share it on SM. Please follow everyone on twitter,