Public Speaking tip #7 - The Ending

Green Eyed Monster Audio show

Summary: There are many elements to giving a successful public speech. whatever you do don't forget to have a powerful ending. TRANSCRIPT: When you’re giving a talk or making a presentation remember to go out with a bang not end not a whimper. End with a call to action. End with something the audience can take away with them. Now you might of put all the work into the body of your talk, a lot of work into your introduction so at the end I’ll say well that’s all folks have a good night . This is where you’ve set up the audience, a wonderful intro, wonderful body of your story, then you’ve just let it all fall away. don't ever underestimate how important it is to have a big ending. A most effective speech has to end with a call action. An appeal to you audience to respond to what you’ve said. To take the next step. It could be something like “The only way for government to change to change its ways is pressure from the voter. When you leave here tonight make a note to contact your local member first thing tomorrow and let them know you're not happy. So you've given them a takeaway, you could be calling on them to adopt a new fitness regime, introduce a new business practice , join a charitable organisation or learn to recycle. It doesn't matter whatever you’ve been talking about have a big ending, put a lot of work a lot of preparation into it because it's how you leave the audience, it's not so much what you say it's how you make them feel. Go out with a bang not a whimper.