24 April - A Tudor tip for divining your future husband

Tudor History with Claire Ridgway show

Summary: Happy St Mark's Eve! St Mark's Eve was time to divine your future husband in medieval and Tudor times, but how were you supposed to do that?   Find out how to do it from historian Claire Ridgway. You can see this podcast as a video at the following link: https://youtu.be/zb9yxfmD_Uw   Find out even more ideas in Claire's longer video - April 24 - Divining your future love - https://youtu.be/EH0DDFQgSuM   Other Tudor events for 24th April: April 24 - The legal machinery begins - The Fall of Anne Boleyn - https://youtu.be/Brn-dmQER30 April 24 - Mary, Queen of Scots gets married - https://youtu.be/Xe3v6dVwwac