116. Survey Says (what you had to say about Simple on Purpose)

Simple on Purpose | Intentional Living and Parenting   show

Summary: This is a bit different of an episode - it is a FUN episode!<br> <br> It is OUR episode - the one where I tell you what is happening behind the scenes and tell you what the reader/listener feedback survey revealed.<br> <br> <br> What I heard from you:<br> <br> * Episodes that have helped you<br> <br> * <a title="Identity Clutter (this type of clutter is preventing your personal growth)" href="https://simpleonpurpose.ca/identity-clutter/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Identity Clutter</a><br> * <a title="67. Making motherhood harder than it needs to be (Mom Martyr)" href="https://simpleonpurpose.ca/mom-matryr-motherhood-hard/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Being a Mom Martyr</a><br> <br> <br> * Who is listening<br> * The topics you love to hear about <br> * Yes, we are friends IRL<br> <br>  <br> Why you are here hanging out with me, the podcast, the Facebook Group, and the Simple Saturdays:<br> <br> * To remember to slow down<br> * To remember it doesn't have to be perfect<br> * To remember that small things matter<br> * To remember to be purposeful<br> <br>  <br> What you didn't know about Simple on Purpose:<br> <br> * The <a href="https://simpleonpurpose.ca/onpurposeworkbooks/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Homemaker on Purpose Workbook</a><br> * The <a href="https://www.lifeonpurposeacademy.ca/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Life on Purpose Roadmap Course</a><br> * The <a href="https://calendly.com/simpleonpurpose/mini-sessions" target="_blank" rel="noopener">free coaching mini-sessions</a>, <a href="https://calendly.com/simpleonpurpose/strategy-session" target="_blank" rel="noopener">the strategy sessions can be booked here</a> and the <a title="Life Coaching with Simple on Purpose" href="https://simpleonpurpose.ca/life-coaching-program/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">coaching program info is here. </a><br> <br>  <br> Answering some of your questions:<br> <br> * How to get work down and run a business?<br> * Having a hard time completing the Life on Purpose Workbook<br> *  Sharing thoughts on a great comment about letting go of some of your expectations built up around minimalism. <br> <br>  <br> <br> Connect with Shawna in the <a href="https://www.facebook.com/groups/simpleonpurposecommunity" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Facebook group</a>, on <a href="https://www.instagram.com/simpleonpurpose.ca/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Instagram</a>, or in the <a href="https://simple-on-purpose.ck.page/ace728f8f3" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Simple Saturdays email. </a><br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br> Products recommended here may include referral links to Amazon. If you click through and buy something I will be compensated at no cost to you. <br> <br> SIMPLE PLEASURE OF THE WEEK<br> Is this simple <a href="https://amzn.to/3gyUrrd" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Shampoo Brush</a>. <br> <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Massager-Original-Silicone-Tourmaline-Contained/dp/B086SC9NH3?dchild=1&amp;keywords=shampoo%2Bbrush&amp;qid=1619042466&amp;sr=8-7&amp;th=1&amp;linkCode=li2&amp;tag=simpleonpurpo-20&amp;linkId=ab1235e69fef2fdb5bd12e63fcddab8b&amp;language=en_US&amp;ref_=as_li_ss_il" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a><br> <br> And here is the lovely <a href="https://www.instagram.com/caralynbrook/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Cara Brook</a> I mentioned (well, I called her Cara Brooks, got the last name incorrect). I couldn't find her old makeup tutorials that taught me how to put on makeup - but I will share my <a href="https://www.pinterest.ca/simpleonpurpose/simple-beauty-for-moms/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Pinterest board with some of the tips and ideas I have liked for hair and makeup</a>. <br> <br>  <br> <br>