Glow From Within show

Summary: Episode Links: MRT Food Sensitivity Testing: www.paypal.me/harmonypattonfdnp/222 Soul Gazing Session: www.etherealbeingswellness.com/soul-gazing Mastermind: www.etherealbeingswellness.com/activate-mastermind MAY Free Challenge: www.etheralbeingswellness.com/the-challenge Instagram: www.instagram.com/etherealbeingswellness Facebook: www.facebook.com/etherealbeingswellness Website: www.etherealbeingswellness.com I didn't even realize that I couldn't trust myself until I dug deep within. I went to invest in a program and felt paralyzed. I went to grow my business and felt like I needed everyone else to give me the answers. I struggled to make decisions because I had failed so many times in the past. I did not trust myself. And trust must be built. It cannot be forced. I realized that taking aligned action even when it made no sense at all began the process of me TRUSTING. And saying fuck it to the outcome. Because it wasn't about THEM anymore, it was about ME and honoring MY soul. Not theirs. I found that the vast majority of my fear came from a place of feeling like I couldn't trust myself. Because I have been abandoning my true self for almost my entire life. That felt safe. Trusting myself and putting myself out there means risking judgement and abandonment. But the thing is.... When I chose to lean in and RISE in full trust of myself and my own sovereignty despite feeling like I was dying and it making no logical sense, I finally unleashed freedom within myself. Have you experienced this? It is available to you always. It starts with trusting yourself even if it makes no sense and actually taking action accordingly. Surround yourself with likeminded women. Women who elevate you, those you can calibrate to. Set yourself up for success. You are your most important investment you will ever make. Nothing is the same. I'm different now. There's no going back. I am rising. Welcome to the cutting edge. Hit that subscribe button and be sure to share this episode! That's how this podcast grows and reaches more people. And more people need this message and this energy. Be the one to share it. Love you. You're a star. xoxo Harmony