PPP18: The Mann Gulch Fire, Pandemics and Progress

KEV Talks Podcast show

Summary: Running from or chasing a wildfire is similar to trying to avoid or stop a pandemic from spreading.  In this episode I provide a brief overview of an article from www.wildfiretoday.com called, "How the Mann Gulch Fire became part of the conversation about COVID-19", share relatable planning lessons learned and share my $.02 on how we can all make progress. * Read the full article here: https://wildfiretoday.com/2020/04/13/how-the-mann-gulch-fire-became-part-of-the-conversation-about-covid-19/?fbclid=IwAR3Rx0lGzvFZ9IFJ3-fhdGQsj_BnC_qCbfzKw6OGBzoyzAtUoXBeBfq-udI * Read more about the Mann Gulch Fire tragedy here: https://www.fs.fed.us/rm/pubs_int/int_gtr299.pdf Godspeed, Kevin Kevin Pannell, PMP | Creator and Host of ‘People, Process, Progress’ podcast | Instagram: @pannellkg | Facebook: peopleprocessprpgeess | http://www.peopleprocessprogress.com #NWCG #USFS #peopleprocessprogress #incidentmanagement #firefighting