Drive by Night Show #9

Drive by Night Show show

Summary: <p>Drive by Night Show is a drive around call in talk show.  Watch the show live on TikTok at <a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqbVNEZjQ1Y0lfZ3prXzIzbG5kSWt3WFh6aVByZ3xBQ3Jtc0ttbUF3M0p0RzVPTlg0cnBRcTh4VlN0R1Ixbnp4NFJlZUNMZWV1OF9FVk1nVVBydGNBdnl0eTFWM3BqbC1CbERaeXJmVmhNZl9lejlPTkZKemRoN0x6R3B0VldnVjRiSFR6TmZ4dVA5TTd0U2xUUzk2cw&amp;" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>​ Thursdays from 8pm to 11pm central time.  We start things off with a regular caller who is still looking for a job but at least it's his birthday.  We then shift to the one year anniversary of quarantine and how people are going to have to relearn how to show affection.  The next caller talks about how he wants to rip off his mask at the first opportunity.  Talking about Reno Nevada and how the housing market everywhere is out of control.  I then get asked about my feelings towards mental health.  The next caller was celebrating his first ticket for getting caught with weed.  We then talked about maxing out credit cards and doing taxes.  The return of bird lady happened and more drama with birds and pop tarts occurred.   Someone from the witness protection program called me and asked me about my thoughts on woodwork and then hung up.  I then get a call about someone looking for their friend who is wearing a bear rug and is walking around lost.  I agree to meet up with them and help to locate their friend.  I went to the meeting spot and nobody was there.  I then had a couple of curious callers that needed explanations for what I'm doing.  Some kid from Poland who moved to Texas wanted to know if I could hear his accent.  A DoorDash driver from Alabama checked in while working the late shift.  Lastly, a caller from Kentucky called and told us how he likes to hang out by a creek of water.</p>