Munchkin Land #357: Stardew Valley... the board game!?

MajorSpoilers+ show

Summary: There’s a Stardew Valley board game in the works, and Dan shares this and even more awesome gaming news in this week’s Munchkin Land. Show your thanks to Major Spoilers for this episode by becoming a Major Spoilers Patron at It will help ensure Munchkin Land continues far into the future! Join our Discord server and chat with fellow Spoilerites! ( Contact us at NEWS Stardew Valley: The Board Game — 1-4 players 1-3+ hours $55 Skyrim Minis board game coming soon from Modiphius..will reportedly come to a new crowdfunding site Gamefound FFG— Marvel Champions Gamora hero pack in May $15 Ravensberger— Alien:Fate of the Nostromo Co-op game releasing Aug 1st: $30 * Funkoverse:Alice in Wonderland  Summer 21 $25 (Alice and Queen of Hearts) Fast and Furious:highway Heist  — A Co-op or solo game 2-4 players 60 mins $30. Thunderworks revealed release dates for two titles Roll Player Adventures ($130) and Cape May ($60) for July of this year. Renegade will release Subastral from Matt Riddle and Ben Pinchback in June. 2-5 players $20 KICKSTARTER Roll and Play: The Fantasy Character Kit — Reminds me of Central Casting Batman The Dark Knight Returns: The Game — Solo Root: The Marauder Expansion Tiny Epic Dungeons Orconomics Block and Key Skyline Express Ragnarocks