S1E05 - A Proverb on Being CAUTIOUS - "Akéde ò jẹ iyán gbígbóná"

Omoluabi Podcast show

Summary: <p><strong>ỌMỌLÚÀBÍ PODCAST | EPISODE 005</strong></p> <p><strong>PROVERB CONSIDERED:</strong> "Akéde ò jẹ iyán gbígbóná"</p> <p><strong>INTERPRETATION:</strong> The town crier does not eat steaming (hot) pounded yam.</p> <p><strong>MEANING:</strong> One should be careful to avoid anything that can hinder him/her from functioning fully in his/her primary assignment.</p> <p><strong>TEXTS FOR SCRIPTURAL REFLECTION: </strong>2 Corinthians 5:20; 1 Corinthians 6:18; 2 Timothy 2:22</p> <p><strong>✰ 2 Corinthians 5:20 The Passion Translation (TPT) </strong><em>"We are ambassadors of the Anointed One </em><em><strong>who carry the message of Christ to the world</strong></em><em>, as though God were tenderly pleading with them directly through our lips. So we tenderly plead with you on Christ’s behalf, “Turn back to God and be reconciled to him.”"</em></p> <p><strong>✰ 1 Corinthians 6:18 The Passion Translation (TPT)</strong> <em>"This is why </em><em><strong>you must keep running away from sexual immorality. </strong></em><em>For every other sin a person commits is external to the body, but immorality involves sinning against your own body."</em></p> <p><strong>✰ 2 Timothy 2:22 The Passion Translation (TPT)</strong> <em>"</em><em><strong>Run as fast as you can from all the ambitions and lusts of youth</strong></em><em>; and chase after all that is pure. Whatever builds up your faith and deepens your love must become your holy pursuit. And live in peace with all those who worship our Lord Jesus with pure hearts."</em></p>