Daily Battle #46: How to write simple systems and dial in your team in 10 minutes a day

The Daily Battle show

Summary: Started working with a new client and one of the challenges they face is being at their bandwidth. <br><br>What I call “Operational Capacity.”<br><br>Some of the challenge and residence they face are…”It just takes to long.”<br><br>“They just don’t know where to start.”<br><br>“They have done hired in the past but it hasn’t worked out, and it became a bigger burden or one more thing to do.”<br><br>I get it, I have been there in the past. <br><br>In fact I in the last few weeks I found myself in that same position. I wanted to expand my VA’s responsibilities, but I found myself resisting and avoiding doing pulling the trigger. I felt like there was so much to do before I even took the first step. List all their new reasonabilities, document what I want to be done, how I want it done, create a way to teach them, etc. <br>It seemed like a lot to do and truthfully I was overwhelmed. <br><br>But then I had this revelation, "I thought why don’t I handle this like I handle my fitness and daily routine, success swinging singles. If I did that, I could write one system a day and implement it that day."<br><br>So, here are 4 Keys to write simple systems and dial in your team in less than 10 min a day.<br><br>Key 1: Pick one Area of your business, i.e., Marketing, Sales, Service, Leadership, and one thing that is broken in one of those areas to fix <br>Key 2: Outline the Current process and what is broken with it. <br>Key 3: Outline the Improved Process <br>Key 4: Share, Teach, and Implement