53 - Overcoming Obesity Part 4 - Getting Rid of "Man Boobs" and "Beer Bellies"

Defining Dad Bod show

Summary: Are you screwing up your testosterone and estrogen?<br><br>In all likelihood, you probably are without knowing it. <br><br>If you don't "feel like yourself", are accumulating fat around your gut, sporting "lunch lady arms" or "man boobs" --- or a whole host of other symptoms, it's likely time for you to get these hormones working for you rather than against you. <br><br>Enter phase 3 of the hormone pyramid and part 4 of this series. <br><br>I'm so excited to help you get back on track intelligently, simply, and sustainably.<br><br>Support the movement!<br><br><a href="http://www.patreon.com/definingdadbod" rel="noopener">www.patreon.com/definingdadbod</a><br><br>Read more<br><br><a href="http://www.definingdadbod.com/blog" rel="noopener">www.definingdadbod.com/blog</a>