Politicians Can’t Hide from Dakota Access Pipeline Protests

Unanimous Dissent show

Summary: President Obama last week hailed Lake Tahoe as “sacred” to the Washoe, a nearby American Indian Tribe. So it’s awkward, then, that his administration refusing to back down from approving of the construction of a pipeline that goes through Sioux lands described in the same terms. We discuss the Dakota Access Pipeline in the latest edition of The Sludge Report.<br><br>Also, journalist and filmmaker Robbie Martin is on to react to the Drug Enforcement Administration’s decision to list kratom as a Schedule 1 substance--deeming the much safer opioid alternative to be more dangerous than opioid medication that kills thousands of people every year.<br><br>Then, we’re joined by the host of a self-described “Anarcho-Comedy show,” Street Fight Radio. We talk to Bryan Quinby about Conservative Facebook, Flat-Earthers, and, sadly, the damn election.