Fear Casts Out Love w/Rev. Dr. Alexia Salvatierra

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Summary: "Rev. Dr. Alexia Salvatierra is a national leader in immigrant justice, co-founder of the New Sanctuary Movement, the Evangelical Immigration Table and M25 (Matthew 25/Mateo 25). She is a Lutheran Pastor with over 40 years of experience in congregational and community ministry, including church-based service and community development programs, congregational and community organizing and legislative advocacy." Our conversation with Pastor Alexia was deeply impactful and eye-opening. As human beings we need to acknowledge the deep of amount of fear that is currently being fostered towards people seeking asylum in our country.  We are created for community, not only in our cities but on a global scale. There is still hope, but we have to choose love over our fears everyday. Click here to find out more about Rev. Dr. Alexia Salvatierra and for this episode's show notes. *Please note content may not be appropriate for all ages.