Ep 117: Part 2--Forget goals, THIS is what you need to make big things happen

Heartful: living a wildly creative life show

Summary: You can go big in every area of your life at the same time. But you can’t do it without support, outsourcing, and letting things die. Often we set goals, resolutions, or intentions for a new year without thinking of everything that’s already in our life + taking stock of what we want to keep in our physical space + mental space. In this episode: -6 things I’m giving up on this year to make space for my BIG goals -how to get started faster + easier than you think you can -the outdated $ beliefs I’m trashing Mentions: Mastermind 2021 waitlist: https://forms.gle/gJgaV7cm8qsDzqQY7 Love Soaked Course: https://brookeschultz.kartra.com/page/thelovesoakedcourse Sam Kelly: https://hellosamkelly.com/ Susie Moore mastermind: https://susie-moore.com/ Carol Dweck growth mindset Ted Talk: https://www.ted.com/talks/carol_dweck_the_power_of_believing_that_you_can_improve Wendy Laurel: https://www.wendylaurel.com/