The Old South vs. The New South

Politics with Amy Walter show

Summary: <p>Since Georgia flipped blue for President-elect Joe Biden, the gulf between the Old South and the New South has come into focus. </p> <p>Come January, the state’s closely watched runoff elections will determine which party controls the U.S. Senate. In one race, Republican Senator David Perdue will face Democrat Jon Ossoff. In the other race, Republican Senator Kelly Loeffler, who was appointed to her seat last year by Governor Brian Kemp, faces Democrat Rev. Raphael Warnock, the senior pastor at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta. </p> <p>We are in the final weeks of a campaign that has, not surprisingly, turned ugly and expensive. </p> <p>To better understand the final weeks of the race and the role that religion plays in Georgia politics, host Amy Walter spoke with Rev. Dr. Robert M. Franklin Jr., professor of moral leadership at Emory University’s Candler School of Theology, and <a href="">Jim Galloway</a>, a political columnist at the <em>Atlanta Journal Constitution</em>. </p> <p>Read the 1963 "Letter from a Birmingham Jail" <a href=""><em>here</em></a>.</p> <p> </p>