Episode 329: The Lucy and the Yetis episodes

Lunar Sea Spire show

Summary: <a href="https://lunarseaspirepodcast.tumblr.com/"></a>GC13 and David discuss the five episodes about Lucy and the yetis from the third season of Summer Camp Island: Don’t Tell Lucy, The Yum Whisperer, The Sherbet Scoop, Lucy’s Instrument, and Where’s the Confetti?.<br> So, it’s time for a big, five-episode focus on yetis. What about poor Oscar though? He’s never been so jet-lagged. At least he finally got to be a proud father.<br> Plus, they were able to find parts for Keith David and Kate Micucci.<br> This episode of the podcast is also <a href="https://youtu.be/p8li4GnEsQk" target="_blank" rel="noopener">available on YouTube</a>.<br>