Business of Business

Sadhguru show

Summary: <p>Sadhguru answers questions posed by K. V. Kamath, Chairman of Infosys and Non-Executive Chairman of ICICI Bank. The internationally recognized expert in matters of business and finance also proves to be a well-prepared and witty conversationalist who steers the discussion towards some of the key challenges the corporate sector faces, such as success and failure, corruption and greed. As a solution for many of these issues and to create wellbeing for all, Sadhguru places great emphasis on <a href="" target="_blank">inclusiveness</a>.</p><p>Offering valuable insight into the art of <a href=";sa=U&amp;ved=0ahUKEwjItrOMuuDhAhXW7HMBHd3cD1IQFggEMAA&amp;client=internal-uds-cse&amp;cx=013988788890882223359:k7hfhlkrdgq&amp;usg=AOvVaw0I6Fih7JOr9y5j2x-Np4Za" target="_blank">leadership</a>, Sadhguru stresses the importance of <a href="" target="_blank">clarity and vision</a>. Moreover, he says, taking charge of oneself– including one’s body, mind, and energies – is imperative to be able to take charge of others. Examining the downside of success, he concludes incisively: “If wealth has to become well-being, you need a spiritual element within you. there is no<a href=";sa=U&amp;ved=0ahUKEwjbn57CuuDhAhVP7HMBHc3jChkQFggIMAE&amp;client=internal-uds-cse&amp;cx=013988788890882223359:k7hfhlkrdgq&amp;usg=AOvVaw2LaEwucYPatooXwXrPP0az" target="_blank"> inner dimension</a> in you, your very success will work against you.”</p><p><em>Editor's Note: Connect with Sadhguru! Download the </em><a href="" target="_blank"><em>Sadhguru App</em></a><em> and get access to Sadhguru’s articles, videos, daily quotes, program info and much more. Available on Android and iOS.</em></p><p><br></p><p>Conscious Planet: </p><p>Sadhguru App (Download):</p><p>Official Sadhguru Website:</p><p>Sadhguru Exclusive:</p>