Ep 114: How to Increase Creativity by Simply Being Yourself

Heartful: living a wildly creative life show

Summary: I’ve been hiding again. I’m practicing not doing that. I find I want to show up only if I’m not tired, irritable, depressed or indecisive. I only want to come to a space with wisdom, presence, power, poise, inspiration to offer. And those are all good things and all things I am and can be. Maybe even a lot of the time. But sometimes they crowd out the human part of me. We know pretending is exhausting, but hiding is pretending in disguise. Here’s an ep to coming out from behind the curtain and showing up imperfectly. Mentions: Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0761169253/?ref=exp_brookebschultz_dp_vv_d Love Soaked Family Photography Course (Now OPEN for enrollment!): https://brookeschultz.kartra.com/page/thelovesoakedcourse